Spinners: Summer league update

The Summer League at Spinners starts with Week Zero on 5/17! These are the games we project will be the initial subset of games that will be used in league this season from the vast assortment that are available. While it is possible that other games may be introduced or taken out of this list, there will always be an announcement of any change and one weeks notice given;


Guardians of the Galaxy Pro
Star Wars Pro
Big Guns
Strikes and Spares
Star Trek Premium
Demolition Man
Game of Thrones Pro

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RSVP for the Spring end-of-season party

The FSPA Spring 2018 end-of-season party will be held Saturday, May 12 from 3 PM til midnight at Silverball Sanctum in Sterling, VA. Y’all know how this works… if you played through the Spring 2018 season of an FSPA league, you get free pinball, free food, lotsa fun. If you didn’t play this season, you’re still welcome, but I’ll hit you up for $20. Just make sure you RSVP now so we can get enough food and drinks for everyone.

Click here to sign up. Signups will close after Tuesday, May 8. Hope to see you there!